Sabtu, 15 Desember 2018

Yogyakarta punya cerita

       Saya adalah salah satu orang yang mempunyai hobi travelling sambil mencari inspirasi dan pengalaman. bagi saya menjadi seorang traveller tidak perlu memikirkan biaya lebih atau bisa disebut dengan takut akan biaya, travelling tidak perlu biaya yang mahal yang paling terpenting adalah kesehatan.         Okey...di sini saya akan bercerita sedikit pengalaman saya saat travelling satu tahun yang lalu bersama teman saya, yang mana Yogyakarta yang akan menjadi tempat tujuan saya. Yogyakarta merupakan salah satu kota yang dari dulu saya sangat ingin kunjungi, salah satu kota yang masuk dalam list tujuan saya. ketika itu pada awal januari kurang lebih satu minggu diawal tahun 2018, saya dan teman saya dengan budget yang sangat pas-pasan  kami nekad mengambil keputusan untuk tetap berangkat. saat itu saya yang memesan tiket kereta api, karena kami mencari tiket murah jadi saya memilih untuk memesan tiket dari stasiun Gubeng (Surabaya) dan turun di satsiun Lempuyangan (Yogyakarta). akhirnya pada hari itu kami berangkat dari Malang sekitar pukul 11 siang dengan transportasi Bus, perkiraan kami akan sampai sebelum jam 2 siang karena kereta jam 02:05 saya tidak bisa tenang selama perjalanan saat itu, setelah selang berapa jam kami tiba di terminal Bungurasih Surabaya. pada saat itu waktu kami masih tersisa sekitar 5 menit, akan tetapi karena keluguan dan karena tidak pernah berpenglaman naik kereta api kami tidak tahu jika menukar tiket cukup dengan klik di mesin saja, ehhh kami malah mengantri di loket pada saat kami mengantri itulah kereta yang akan kami naikin telah berangkat😩.
        Seketika itu saya langsung duduk di depan stasiun dan menangis😭😅seperti anak kecil saja...teman saya berkata "gimana masih mau lanjut?duit kita tinggal segini lo" saya saat itu juga langsung tlp teman saya yang di jogja, "gimana nih Mon? q ketinggalan kereta😭" terus temen ku bilang "lha kok bisa?" dan aku menceritakannya bagaimana sampai bisa tertinggal kereta. dan solusi dari teman saya yang di jogja yaitu "yaudah udah stengah perjalanan lanjut aja banting stir naik Bus" saat itu aku dan teman ku memikirnya kembali.... dan akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk tetap melanjutkan perjalanan kami dengan naik Bus. Kami tiba di Terminal Yogyakarta pada pukul 03:00 pagi.
Hasil gambar untuk tugu jogja
        Dan ini lah salah satu pengalaman yang betul"tidak bisa saya lupakan sampai kapan pun😅.Tujuan saya ke kota Yogyakarta hanya untuk 4 hal yaitu saya dari dulu ingin ke Malioboro, melihat keunikan pengamen di kota ini yang mana cara mereka mengamen sangatlah berbeda dengan pengamen"yang berada di kota lain, melihat langung suasana, dan penginggalan"yang ada di KERATON yang mana salah satu tempat yang sangat di hargai dan juga legendaris di kota ini, dan yang terakhir saya ingin sekali melihat dan berfoto langusng di tugu yang sangat legendaris dan menjadi salah satu tempat favorit di kota ini. sangat tidak bermanfaat yaaa keinginan saya untuk ke Yogja😂.
 "Jangan pernah takut akan kesalahan yang kita perbuat, karena dari kesalahan itulah kita akan mendapatkan pengalaman yang berkesan walaupun sedikit tolol dan konyol😂. "

Senin, 22 Oktober 2018

The Village of Mask

The village of mask or called by "Desaku Menanti" is one of the village which located in the city of malang. This village is the vacant land which puchased by the government of Malang to be used as a place of rehabilitation like beggars, children of punk, scavenger and others. The village of mask has a land area of 5000 meters following the provisions of Kemensos, Desaku for a program that Awaits, minimal land provided by local authorities is 4800 meters. Construction of houses and other facilities through self-help residents, because it should not be in project, so woke up cooperation and mutual between residents who will occupy this village. In this village there are 100 masks on display at the hometown environment. The number of masks that, two masks on display with a very large size like on the picture, all mask is the result work of the society in this village.

The program "Desaku Menanti" social rehabilitation programs are homeless and beggars are done based integrated village by emphasizing their return to areas of origin or re-migration. This program is very useful for ex Squashed, because it could improve their well-being with the help of the form of the House habitable. In addition there is help the strengthening of the productive economy for increased well being. in this village people who are homeless and beggars taught how to make mask, this destination is to give the skill for people who homeless and beggars for they life, and also to increase their economy. The access to this village is we can find in google maps, and the transportation that we can use to this village is car and motorcycle, can not use general transportation like bus,and so on.

In Malang, program "Desaku Menanti" started in November 2016, where Kemensos has provided assistance for the construction of 40 homes or 20 chapel for 40 Families (KK) for the citizens of ex sprawl. In addition to the assistance of the home, plus is also home to a number of supplies and funds for the development of the creative economy with total amounting to Rp 1.8 billion. The help of stimulants is expected to be sustainable. Community development and a more intense financial management is performed by a companion, because in addition to change the mental not to always expect the mercy of the people, they also need to be trained how to manage their financial gain from the results of the effort. Is there any training in department of social they included, this is to empower them to live the way of no return.

The concept of empowerment in the tourist village of mask one is selling materials masks to visitors, then in the paint by the visitors. So that makes this village as well as village education. Future for marketing will be made special Gallery, so visitors can instantly see products that generated this tourist village. Currently, visitors on holidays could reach 200 people, for their own revenues have not been entirely because the count in mask village recently formed. For a mask made from fiber workmanship performed by five adults, since chemical-based, kids just repaint it. The paint materials wear paint because most cars stuck in the mask material (fiber). Price of the mask cheapest sold 15 thousand, and most expensive 35 thousand. Will be developed wooden masks to enrich the materials used, and does not depend on one ingredient only.
Hasil gambar untuk kampung topeng desaku menanti
In this tourist village, not only spot photo, gallery of the mask, but also have a flying fox with the purchases only RP 20 but only once a ride. The tickets price is 5 thousand rupiah for one people, after you pay the ticket the locket will give you the ticket and one cassava chips. The parking ticket it different with the ticket for entry to the village, the price of parking ticket is for motorcycle is only two thousand rupiah, and for car it only three thousand rupiah.

In addition to masks, residents Desaku Menanti also sell food that is made from cassava, as Hamlet, Tlogowaru, Malang, as a tourist, the mask has many natural resources cassava tree. Mothers in this location to process cassava into material getuk, lapis, make, colorful cenil, slurry and other for sale in masks. In addition not only the arts village, but also has a custom or a habit one of him that is at the time I visited this village happened to be there are residents who died there if there is a habit dies after it was announced at the small mosque, adolescents who were there toured village entry to any home with a truncheon and then hitting the citizens residing in the home that will give you the money, or rice or other items to help the families who mourn.

At the time I first visited the village the mask, I feel very exciting because for me this village visitors not just sightseeing spots and enjoy the photos that are there but can also learn how to How to make a mask. not only was I very much agree with the holding of a program like this, because with this program it will be reduced, and the bum in Malang punk not only that the existence of this program then the bum and the punk kids can thinking and being required to have art and is also able to work.
Hope my best wishes for the mask or tourist village called also with  "Desaku Menanti "you can always give a positive role toward society and also tourist visitors, and may continue to evolve and also known by the people of the city the unfortunate and out of town.


hy guys...dah lama nih gak berbagi cerita ke kalian... aku ingin berbagi sedikit pengamalan aku travelling nih...waahhh jika tahun lalu aku ...